who we are


Zero Prophet Coffee is a micro-roaster in Washington CT, providing coffee to friends since ’07, established as an LLC & wholesaler in 2009, and in the marketplace since 2014. Our mission is to elevate your experience of coffee to the highest level, and keep it there. Our part in that is the roast. We find the best coffees available and experiment until we've found the optimum roast for each bean. We believe in variety and regularly experiment with new beans, by choice and out of necessity because of harvest cycles. Roasting to order in small batches ensures that we provide an exceptional, fresh product that reflects our passion for coffee.

In addition to Vienna coffee-house style, we're influenced by copious espresso drinking in Italy, and by such stateside standards as Peet's. We did a summer job gig at Porto Rico Coffee on Bleecker Street back in the 80s and otherwise dropped so much $ over the years on micro and macro-roasters alike that the time finally came for some measure of self-control. This is it! 

Our coffee is ethically farmed and sold to support the communities that bring you the best coffee possible. Information is always available here on the website so that you know where each coffee is from, how it was cultivated and processed, and where profits are going.

What about the name, Zero Prophet Coffee? What does it mean? In part, it means that we don’t prioritize the profit motive, though we’re hardly averse to it (we need to sustain our business). It means that we believe in donating to good causes. And it reflects our core belief that creativity transcends practical constraints. The constant need to re-create the good gives our life meaning; a daily errand, coffee roasting, embodies an ideal.

how we roast

  • Each single varietal is roasted to order, and to the level that best suits the bean.

  • Our preferred house style is the dark end of medium roast, also called Vienna roast, which is equivalent to northern Italian espresso. 

  • Our coffee descriptions include notes about which coffee-making method best suits the blend or single-origin bean.

  • If interested in developing a blend for wholesale purchase, we welcome inquiries by email to zeroprophetcoffee@gmail.com. 



Harris Hill Farm / Ridge Roast New Milford, CT *seasonal

The Market CT Northville and Bantam, CT

New Morning Market Woodbury, CT

The Pantry Washington, CT

Phinney’s Newtown, CT

Piper and Dune Southbury CT

The PO Washington, CT

Roxbury Market & Deli Roxbury, CT

The Smithy Market & Cafe New Preston, CT

Waldingfield Farm Washington, CT *seasonal

Washington Food Market Washington, CT

Martha’s Vineyard

Mermaid Farm & Dairy Chilmark, MA